_ photologue by seame song  

여름의 윤곽선



















안양, 관양고등학교에서 관악산 산림욕장 가는 길은 시골 농가 같은 풍경을 잠시 엿볼 수 있다. 채소도 구입할 수 있고...

마침, 현금이 없어 아쉬웠다.  2014/07/22 - 여름 빛에 끌려 관양능선 따라 오른 관악산













From the album Abbey Lincoln "Wholly Earth"
Release Date:1999 Recording Time:68 minutes
Genre:Vocal jazz.
Personnel:Abbey Lincoln - vocals
Alvester Garnett - drums
Daniel Moreno - percussion
John Ormond
Maggie Brown - vocals
Michael Bowie - bass
Track Listing

1. And It's Supposed to Be Love
2. Midnight Sun
3. Wholly Earth
4. Look to the Star
5. Another World
6. Conversation With a Baby
7. If I Only Had a Brain
8. Another Place Another Time
9. Caged Bird
10. Learning How to Listen















2014. 7. 23. 10:43 | A | Plant Life


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